Coding Horror: Giving Up on Microsoft

As a software developer, you’re doing yourself a disservice by pledging allegiance to anything other than yourself and your craft– whether it’s Microsoft or the principle of free software. Stop with the us vs. them mentality. Let go of the partisanship. We’re all in this thing together.

Wonderful post for all developers. In our MS centric shop I’m definitely in the minority in keeping up with the Open Source side.

Arizona Game and Fish, kiss my ass:

All I wanted to do was copy some text. Thanks for breaking my browser. And you can kiss my ass again for this horrible comment form that required me to enter my birth date just to submit it.

I’m kicking myself for ordering these the other day. They don’t sell coils of $.02, damnit!


originally uploaded by bbendick.

See if you can decipher this message I got earlier.

“I’m thinking about asking friend1 or friend2 to give jane a side good
after folklorico.”

There should be a sniglet for the act of frantically searching for an
object with one hand while you’re holding it with another.

- Take the bus to campus with your daughter
- Drop her off at art class, so she can flex some creativity
- Go to work for 3 hours and knock a project off the list
- Pick up daughter and meet wife and son on campus for lunch
- Pesto Artichoke pizza. MMmmm.
- Kids are so good you head to penguins for desert
- Notice some commotion and find out it’s Ben’s Bells, a community art project /
sort of charity that really jives with my thoughts on life
- Volunteer for an hour
- Oh, the weather? Insanely great
- Win a shirt at the silent auction. The slogan on the shirt? “‘Life is
- Head back home, again on the bus. I love that my kids love riding the
- Kids play in the front yard for a few hours, conflict free. Only
crying is when son gets whacked by rake while being a boy / idiot
- Get some much needed yard work done. Pruning is one of the things I
actually enjoy.
- Date night! Fantastic, relaxing evening with good friends.
- Gameworks late night special! $10 all you can play.

It was a gorgeous day and a wonderful mix of taking care of work,
family, home, and relationship needs.

It’s interesting how some bus drivers mosey along like they’re driving a
chuck wagon, while others careen along as if trying to outrun a nuclear
blast. Even more interesting is that there usually isn’t much middle

You can collect a whole lot of photos over a lifetime, especially if you
document damn near every hunting trip you take in 50 years. All my life
my granndpa was a hunter in every sense. Elk, moose, deer, turkey,
crane, swan, pheasant, grouse, duck, and probably a few other things.
Even better, he cooked all the game himself and made the tastiest
vittles around. The freezer was constantly stocked with frozen dead
things. And that was after he gave some to whoever let him use the land,
to the butcher, and to friends. In later years I found out he also had 2
meat lockers in town.

Over half of the photos, over thousands of them, of my grandparents’
life was of him mugging with his conquests. With that body of evidence I
can draw some conclusions about what he was good at:

– Hunting
– Grinning
– Standing over dead things
– Putting dead things on cars
– Holding up dead things by their neck
– Getting his grandson’s to hold up dead things by their neck.

I’ve also drawn some conclusions about things his photographers were by
and large not so good at:
– Composition
– Focus
– Exposure
– Knowing the position of their thumb relative to the lens


1. Where is your cell phone? Desk
2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend/S.O.? Vibrant
3. Your hair? Blond
4. Your mother? Giving
5. Your father? Humor
6. Your favorite item? Sidekick
7. Your dream last night? Null
8. Your favorite drink? Diet
9. Your dream car? Prius
10. The room you are in? Office
11. Your ex? Jewish
12. Your fear? Leak
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Proud
14. Who did you hang out with last night? Wife
15. What you’re not? Outgoing
16. The last thing you did? IM
17. What are you wearing? clothes
18. Your favorite book? unread
19. The last thing you ate? bacon
20. Your life? splendiferous
21. Your mood? contemptlative
22. Your friends? supportive
23. What are you thinking about right now? grandma
24. Your car? kia
25. What are you doing at the moment? typing
26. Your summer? hot
27. Your relationship status? hot
28. What is on your tv? dust
29. When is the last time you laughed? morning
30. Last time you cried? morning
31. School?

Word. Coworkers.

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