- Take the bus to campus with your daughter
- Drop her off at art class, so she can flex some creativity
- Go to work for 3 hours and knock a project off the list
- Pick up daughter and meet wife and son on campus for lunch
- Pesto Artichoke pizza. MMmmm.
- Kids are so good you head to penguins for desert
- Notice some commotion and find out it’s Ben’s Bells, a community art project /
sort of charity that really jives with my thoughts on life
- Volunteer for an hour
- Oh, the weather? Insanely great
- Win a shirt at the silent auction. The slogan on the shirt? “‘Life is
- Head back home, again on the bus. I love that my kids love riding the
- Kids play in the front yard for a few hours, conflict free. Only
crying is when son gets whacked by rake while being a boy / idiot
- Get some much needed yard work done. Pruning is one of the things I
actually enjoy.
- Date night! Fantastic, relaxing evening with good friends.
- Gameworks late night special! $10 all you can play.

It was a gorgeous day and a wonderful mix of taking care of work,
family, home, and relationship needs.