Archive for January, 2005
Wednesday, January 26th, 2005
XL goodness
This weekend I bought a new shirt at Target. An XL shirt. The first XL shirt I’ve bought in probably 10 years. It’s a little tight in the shoulders, but fits me just fine. Realistically it’s sized pretty large, but the fact I was even willing to try on an XL makes me very happy. [...]
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Monday, January 24th, 2005
Friday nights now offer a solid 4 hours of quality scifi. Ahhhhh….
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Tuesday, January 11th, 2005
Much Syrup Ahead
On my way home tonight we had another fantastic sunset. On an overcast day, the sky produces a tantalizing five minutes of color and texture that can’t be captured in words. As I stood there staring into the sky, trying to soak up every ounce of beauty in the sky and the wind, a wave [...]
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Monday, January 10th, 2005
Rocket Scientist
Today I sarcastically referred to someone as a “real rocket scientist”, as a way to mock their intelligence. I wonder what the perceived water mark of genius will be in the future? Recombinant geneticist? Hydrogen miner? Creative accountant? I also wonder what it was in the past? “Boy, he’s a real catapault engineer.” Or “What [...]
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Monday, January 10th, 2005
New Year’s effect
There’s a well known spike in gym memberships due to new year’s resolutions. I wonder how far that carries over to other industries? Today I noticed far more 6 inch subs being purchased at Subway than ever before.
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Tuesday, January 4th, 2005
It’s a sign
When ipods became really popular I had this idea about all these people walking around with them, and how anti-social it seemed. Then I happened to buy “Brain Droppings”, by George Carlin, and he had the same idea as me, only 15 years ago. Then I was having a conversation with a friend and it [...]
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Tuesday, January 4th, 2005
Around this time 10 years ago I was in casts. My sense of time is so bad that I wanted to blog about the 10 year anniversary last year only to find out from a more clueful friend that I was off by a year. The only reason I remember the time of year is [...]
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Monday, January 3rd, 2005
The idea is the following – when you type a letter of the alphabet into your favourite browsers address bar, which web page will be suggested first by the browsers auto completion feature? Here is what came up for me: a: b: c: d: e: f: g: h: [...]