Wed 18 Jul 2007
at 12 pm
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I continue to do my best work while avoiding what I’m actually supposed
to be doing.
Wed 18 Jul 2007
at 12 pm
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I continue to do my best work while avoiding what I’m actually supposed
to be doing.
Sun 8 Jul 2007
at 9 2/3 pm
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10 years ago today I married my beautiful and amazing wife, who gets
beautifuller and amazinger every day.
Tue 26 Jun 2007
at 11 5/12 am
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When printing out resumes at work, don’t leave them sitting on the
Thu 21 Jun 2007
at 7 1/6 am
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crontab -l | xargs rm
is a really stupid thing to run, even by accident.
Wed 20 Jun 2007
at 10 1/3 pm
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Thu 14 Jun 2007
2 weeks ago we finished rolling out a major architectural upgrade. It’s a different way for us to connect to one of our data sources, and is a massive improvement from how it used to be done. It might be the single greatest technical improvement since we migrated off of Netscape Commerce server many, many years ago. The project lasted about 2 years from initial evaluation to now. It was a huge deal, but no user will really care.
Earlier this week I released a google mashup that plots a student schedule on a map (mockup). It took about 8 hours of my time, and I did it mostly on a lark. But boy do they like it!
Tue 5 Jun 2007
at 12 5/6 pm
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World Wide Knit In Public Day: June 9
I’m sure the inordinately large number of knitters on my friends list already know about this, but just in case.
Mon 21 May 2007
at 12 pm
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Grads see their tuition promise fulfilled | ®
Likins said the story of the C.E. Rose success needs to be told in bold print.
I’m doing my little insignificant part. But I think this is pretty awesome.
Mon 21 May 2007
at 12 pm
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I put in 12+ hours in the office on Saturday, mostly to make up time that I had missed for funerals, sick kids, school plays, and everything in between. I decided that background noise of movies would be a nice alternative to my normal Pandora listening. I had not, believe it or not, seen any of these movies before.
- Deliver Us from Evil. I’ve been wanting to see this ever since Ebert and Roeper talked it up. They did not lead me wrong. It’s an extremely well done documentary with some extremely difficult content matter. Certainly not for everyone, but worth viewing if you’re interested in the subject matter
- Soylent Green. A “cult classic”, I think. It’s a common cultural reference, and frankly that’s the only thing worth taking away. If you like your acting overdone with a side of cheese, this is for you. It’s much more interesting as a cultural artifact of 70′s sci fi than as a movie unto itself.
- Cool Hand Luke. Good stuff. Now the time I ate a dozen eggs seems so paltry and insignificant.
- Casablanca. Holy crap! Now I know what all the hubbub was about. This will probably be the best movie I see all year.