The magnet in the speaker on my cellphone is strong enough to pick up a paperclip.

The Wiggles are on The Late Late Show right now. It leaves me with two questions:

  1. What demographic are they possibly going for?
  2. Why am I watching this?

A month ago my doctor prescribed Niacin for me to get my good / bad cholesterols in check. it’s an over counter dose, a billion milligrams or so.

The side effects can be fairly unpleasant. The drug opens up your blood vessels and can cause your skin to turn bright red and causes a burning sensation not unlike the itchiest phase of a sunburn. It usually lasts for a fairly short duration, typically less than an hour. It’s said a fourth of the people who start the drug don’t continue because of the side effects. My doc gave me a time release version so it normally hits while I’m asleep and don’t notice it. I have had the pleasure a few times though, and it’s interesting.

It’s hard to argue with the results though. My HDL was unchanged, but the overall ratio changed dramatically. My cholesterol went from an already respectable 164 to an even nicer 138. And my triglycerides went down by over half, from 179 to 78! I’m a happy camper.

I just spent 5 minutes scrounging the house for a pair of headphones that I was *already wearing*

For some reason I’m still completely unable to spell definitely correctly on the first go. I suppose muscle memory is tough to change after spelling it wrong for 10 years. What it really highlights is how often I use the word, probably to excess. I wonder what other words I rely on? I wonder if my wondering portends a perl script in my near future to count up my words. Right now the list of geeky things I want to do greatly outweighs the list of geeky things I need to do.

I took the kids on a bike ride to the neighborhood park. It was our first ride, and they were insanely cute.

It reminded me of hose much I used to love bike riding. I rode constantly when I was younger, and through most of college. All that ended with a bang, but maybe I’ll get back into it soon.

As I thought about how much I did when I was younger, I realized that biking really hasn’t been that kind to me. :) Here’s a breakdown of some of my foibles and other chunks of my biking past.

While waiting for the bus today I saw the next star for USA’s “Characters Welcome” ad campaign. This gentleman was in his 60′s with mussy blond/white hair. He was adorned with:

  • Yellow aviator sunglasses
  • A pink oxford shirt
  • Grey knit sport jacket
  • A big red bowtie, disheveled
  • Light blue running shorts
  • Under those, thick green tights an elf would be proud of
  • Red knitted flashdance style leggings
  • Penny loafers

In my next life I think I’ll come back as a monk. But I can’t decide if it will be the peaceful meditating buddhist kind or the ale drinking quarterstaff carrying kind.

If I win the lottery maybe I’ll go back to school and finally get a degree. Maybe finish off my political science degree, then go on to a master’s or doctor’s degree in sociology or linguistics. My dissertation will be a massive study on why people who have only communicated with me in email, and have only ever seen my name in print, will reply to me and say “Brent”. It doesn’t bother me, but it certainly intriques me.

I wonder if they did the wave at the colloseum?

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