Mid May and early June have been melancholy times for me, ever since my mom passed away. Mother’s Day, Her Birthday, and My Birthday are all grouped in that clump. She was always the first one to call me on my birthday, usually waking me up with a phone call and a fairly horrible rendition of happy birthday.

I got to Cars really early to get good seats, with the family trailing behind. I brought the iPod to catch up on podcasts and was treated to a <a href=”http://www.itconversations.com/shows/detail775.html”>fantastic talk</a> by Davy Rothbart of <a href=”http://www.foundmagazine.com/”>Found Magazine</a>. It was very interesting, talking about the found stuff (love letters, birthday cards, to-do lists, etc) that people find and send him. It’s mostly pretty funny stuff, but ocassionally extremely touching. There was a bit about a note a woman found at a cemetary, and it really hit me. As a result I teared up a lot at during anything remotely touching during Cars, but also for the Flicka preview, and probably even the stupid rat one. :)

<a href=”http://www.itconversations.com/index.html”>IT Conversations</a> has a nifty service that lets me link to a portion of a podcast, so I’ve done that for this part. It’s only 2 minutes, <a href=”http://www.itconversations.com/clip.php/?showid=775&start=15:22&stop=17:16
“>give it a listen</a>.