Thu 7 Apr 2005
This post sucks
at 12 2/3 pm
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I have to go to traffic school tomorrow for a speeding ticket. That sucks. When I got the speeding ticket there were 4 other cops busting people left and right. That sucks. There must have been a dozen people busted in that revenue generating sink hole. That sucks. I get to spend $125 and 9 hours of my life on this stupid thing. That sucks. Driving school only takes a money order or cashier’s check, they don’t even accept cash. That sucks. My credit union used to offer one free cashier’s check, but now they charge $3. That sucks. When I asked if they used to be free the teller looked at me like I was insane because they roll through new cashiers on a weekly basis. That sucks.
I took my $125 over to 7-11, gave them $.99 for a money order, and was treated better and faster than at the bank. That didn’t suck.