Overheard on this interesting podcast about large software development projects.

Software whose requirements haven’t been specified can’t be buggy, only surprising.

My daughter sometimes says “What’s two plus two?”. “Twenty Two” I answer. “Nooooo, it’s four!” is her reply. “That’s what happens when you don’t explicitly declare your variable types”, I explain. “Daddy, you’re a dork”.

How I Met Your Mother is one of my favorite shows on TV right now. Slap Bet was an instant classic episode.

I didn’t get one nose hair trimmer for christmas, I got two. Talk about giving a guy a complex!

They have attachments for other hair though, and I am working on some bushy eyebrows that would make an 8th grade algebra teacher jealous.

I didn’t realize Emmit Otter’s Jugband Christmas was out on DVD! For over a year now! This was an annual christmas staple in our house, and I can’t wait to introduce it to my kids.

“Shut Up and Sing”, the documentary about the Dixie Chicks fiasco, finally made it to Tucson. If you have the slightest interest in what happened, or the slightest interest the Dixie Chicks, it’s definitely worth seeing. It makes for an interesting look back at the Iraq War stuff from 2003, contrasting it to what is happening today.

Son: Do you know why Blue Man Group is called Blue Man Group?

Dad: Because they’re blue?

Son: Noooo….

Dad: Because they’re men?

Son: Noooo…

Dad: Why are they called Blue Man Group?

Son: Because they are a group!

here is the insanely great “jazz” rendition of O Holy Night, from this weeks Studio 60. Not to be missed. (Warning, this URL will resize your window).

Delirious DVD! Finally!

This is one of my favorite comedy routines of all time.

Sign on Pecos road in Phoenix:

Intense Speed Enforcement

next 7 Miles

Fortunately we were only going ludicrous speed at the time, not intense, so we were safe.

(As an aside, I wasn’t sure if we were in Phoenix or a bordering burb. I’ve always been annoyed there’s not a “boundaries” layer you can turn on in google maps. this site was pretty handy though.)

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